Understanding more complex instructions
Why is this important?
This activity will help children follow three key words in a sentence, thereby developing verbal understanding.
What to do
- Three-word level instructions can be given during any and all daily activities. In this way teaching and learning opportunities are available throughout the day.
- Gather together the following:
★ Doll, teddy (or alternative toy character). ★ Flannel, hair brush. - Play together using the items to ‘wash’ and ‘brush’ doll/teddy’s body parts.
- Encourage the child to listen and then give an instruction using three key words:
★ ‘Wash teddy’s feet.’ ★ ‘Brush doll’s hair.’
★ ‘Brush doll’s hand.’
N.B. Try to remember not to look at, point to or give any visual clues
(you can do this if you need to ‘Step down’).
- If the child doesn’t quite get it right, acknowledge what he/she has managed, repeat the instruction and then gently prompt/guide the child towards the correct toys. Repeat the instruction as you guide or the child copies you.