Early Years Pupil Premium
Early Years Pupil Premium funding is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education we provide and raise the quality of our provision and as a result close the gap between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and other children.
Early Years pupil premium could help Golborne & Maxilla offer early learning experiences and activities which will prepare your children for primary school. Your child could benefit from extra resources and equipment to meet their needs.
All children aged three and four (not two year olds), who meet the eligibility criteria will benefit from the funding. The funding is paid directly to us on an hourly rate basis, linked to claimed hours for entitled children. The annual value for a 15 hour place over a year is just over £300.
As an Early Years setting we have the freedom to choose how we spend the money to maximise the impact on children’s learning and development and thus narrow the gap. Golborne and Maxilla received £10,260 during 2022/23 and we have used the additional funding in the following ways:
Providing an additional staff role –Child initiated to support through play the children identified as at risk of underachievement
Forest school delivery
Targeted Parent and child workshops
Football coach sessions
Training for staff
Measuring the impact
We are continually reviewing the impact of interventions and progress for individual children and vulnerable groups, collating data allows us to measure the impact and plan accordingly. Some of the ways we measure and monitor impact in the outcomes for pupils are:
Workshop Evaluation forms
Parent forums
Curriculum achievement Governor Meetings, observing in class and tracking children
Monitoring of Wellcomm language tool
Parent questionnaires
Formal children meeting consultations
Termly monitoring of data
Developing bespoke EYPP Plans for each child which addresses individual needs. These are monitored at pupil progress meetings so that intervention is swift if they are not progressing as well as their peers.
We have identified a Governor to lead on Pupil Premium.