Date of inspection: 20th February 2018
Result: Outstanding
Click to read the Maxilla Ofsted in full.
Key findings
- In-depth and accurate knowledge of each child underpins all teaching. Staff continually discuss how well children are learning. This means that staff are quick to recognise when children need extra support or practice to develop age-expected skills and understanding. Staff act immediately to adjust their teaching so that it is tailored to children’s needs. At the same time, staff know when to step in and challenge children further.
- Alongside high quality teaching, staff foster children’s self-esteem and enthusiasm for learning. Staff praise children’s efforts and guide them to find their own solutions when they find something hard. As a result, children are inquisitive about the world around them and are ready to persevere when they encounter a problem or something they do not understand. This plays a key role in children’s excellent progress over time.
- Leaders’ use of the early years pupil premium funding is highly effective and ensures that eligible children receive an excellent start to their education. Through a bespoke programme of support, including small group teaching and access to therapeutic services, children quickly overcome any barriers to learning to achieve as well as their peers.
- A higher than typical proportion of children who attend the school have SEN and/or disabilities. The teaching of these children is characterised by high aspirations and ensures that they make substantial progress from their individual starting points. While staff give careful consideration to children’s needs and preferences, they are equally adept at enabling them to try something new and challenge themselves.
- Children make outstanding gains in their communication skills during their time at the school. Through effective phonics, staff instil children with a fascination with language and words. Staff support children to explore links between letters and sounds, drawing effectively on familiar experiences to deepen children’s understanding.
- Both indoors and outdoors, staff plan exciting ways to develop children’s awareness that letters and words convey meaning.
- Classrooms are awash with high-quality resources and activities that pique children’s curiosity. As a result, children are eager to explore and talk about what they find with each other and adults.
- Adults model and reinforce key words and phrases routinely as they play alongside children. This extends children’s use of vocabulary and increases their confidence in talking in front of others.