Dear Parents, Carers, Governors and Friends of Golborne and Maxilla
A very warm welcome to our returning families, and to all our new ones!

Our topic this half term is Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), as we all settle back in after the Summer break. We are supporting the children to establish some important skills, such as following routines, taking care of their own belongings and the environment.

From September we following the revised Early Years Foundation stage curriculum 2021. For further information please follow the link:

MindUp Programme will continue this year. “MindUp” is a school based curriculum, teaching children how their brains work; how to regulate their emotions, improve their focus for learning and how to be happy. This in turn strengthens their mental wellbeing through increased self-awareness, self-regulation and social and emotional competencies. This introduction fits in well with our topic of Personal, Social and Emotional development. The MindUp curriculum will run on all year for all the children in the nursery. Stanka will be leading this curriculum; if you have any questions please do not hesitate to talk to her.

Wellcomm is a complete speech and language toolkit which can to be used with children from 6 months to 6 years. The opportunity to identify areas of concern in language, communication and interaction development, in order to ensure targeted early intervention. An array of resources enabling delivery of focused activities to: target those children who have some language difficulties; enhance the skills of all children and; increase the number of children whose language, communication and interaction development is within the expected range for the age group.

Who’s who at Golborne & Maxilla

These are our regular enhanced curriculum teachers:

Neera is our commissioned Speech and Language Therapist and attends nursery each Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are concerned about your child’s language development please talk to Veronica H.

Victoria, Art therapist has continued to work with individual children. Victoria is employed by Latimer Community Art Therapy (LCAT) and was linked with us a few years ago. She has provided invaluable support to many of our children during difficult times. Victoria is here on a Thursday and Friday. She will also run “Painting Together parent and child sessions” with her colleague Sara.

This is Alicia, she teaches the children Yoga on a Wednesday morning.

Ade is our football coach, he is here on a Thursday morning.

We would like to introduce you to Meg. Meg is Veronica’s puppy (11 months old) who will be visiting us regularly. Some of our children have already met Meg and it has been very positive. Research has shown that having a pet in school teaches empathy, respect, kindness, love, responsibility and friendship. Our aim is to support children’s wellbeing and mental health by allowing them opportunities in very small groups to spend some time with Meg. She will never roam around school off lead and will predominantly be based in Veronica’s office. A suitable risk assessment has been completed and a dog policy has been presented and approved by our Governors. If any parents would like any further information please talk to Veronica H.

We are pleased to introduce our new friends Kiki Bear, Cupcake Bear and Marmalade Bear.

Kiki and Cupcake had a great adventure during the week when they went on the tube and did some shopping at the supermarket.  Each week our new friends will go home with one of your children. We hope that you will involve them in your weekend plans, taking photos and writing a couple of sentences about what you have shared together to return to school. Stanka in her role as Personal and Social coordinator, will provide further details to parents when the bears are ready to go home.

School Information

We use schoolcomms (also known as school gateway) to invoice you for meals, after school club, childcare fees etc. You should have received an email with details of how to register. If you have not received the email please contact the office on 020 8968 5622. If you are eligible for free school meals please ensure that you have completed the relevant form so that we are able to confirm this.

Some important dates for your diary:

Monday 18th October at 10am: New parents welcome meeting. This will be a virtual meeting hosted by Veronica H via zoom. Invitations will be emailed.

Thursday 21st October at 10am: Virtual meeting to look at primary school admissions hosted via zoom. Invitations will be emailed.

Wednesday 20th October: Children’s Carnival celebrations!  Children will celebrate carnival during the school day. A decision will be made nearer the time based on the Pandemic situation as to whether we can invite parents.

Monday 25th October until Friday 29th October Half Term. Children return on Monday 1st November. If you would like to book a place on the holiday provision please ask at reception. The cost is £64 per day.

Thursday 4th November: Diwali celebrations

Thursday 2nd December: Torchlit Walk – This is our annual fundraising event. It will be followed by a Black & White Party. Further details to follow.

Wednesday 15th December: Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day.

Friday 17th December: Christmas Party. Children arrive at 9.45am and are collected at 12pm. Further details to follow.


Children start nursery at 9.15 each morning – please adhere to social distancing and wear a mask when you are in the nursery. Children should be collected at their allocated entrance; children in Green story group and Pink story group are collected via the front entrance. Children in Green Stars and Yellow are collected via the entrance in the park. Purple room children enter and leave via the side gate. Can we ask that you go to the front door and staff will let purple room staff know that you are here? Please do not bang or shout over the gate.

It is not necessary for your children to bring a rucksack, changes of clothes should be placed into children’s boxes and when they run low we will let you know.

Please do not send snacks in with your children, instead please bring fruit for sharing. Please bring a water bottle for your child each day.

Book Loan in school takes place on Wednesday Mornings. In purple room Book loan takes place on a Monday and Friday. Games Loan takes place on Fridays.

The use of mobile phones is not permitted in the nursery.

Finally, I would like to say a big thank you for your continued support.  

Many thanks.

Veronica and the Nursery Team

Website:   follow us on Instagram @golborneandmaxilla